import json import pandas as pd import urllib3 import SimpleITK as sitk import numpy as np # # Example python code to download structure information and ontology from the Allen Brain API # and count the number voxels annotated for each structure. # # Outputs file "voxel_count.csv" # output_columns = [ 'id', # structure database id 'graph_order', # order of structure in structure_graph 'acronym', # structure name acronym 'name', # structure name 'color_hex_triplet', # structure color 'parent_structure_id', # database id of the parent structure 'structure_id_path', # path to root of structure_graph as slashed separted structure id list 'annotated', # boolean to indicate if this structure id is in the annotation volume 'voxel_count', # number of voxel in annotation volume with this structure id 'subgraph_annotated', # boolean to indicate if structure id of any child (subgraph) structure in the annotation volume 'subgraph_voxel_count', # number of voxel in annotation volume for this structure including subgraph 'volume_mm3', # structure volume in mm^3 based on subgraph_voxel_count 'volume_cm3' # structure volume in cm^3 based on subgraph_voxel_count ] # Specify the structure graph graph_id = 16 # RMA query to fetch structures for the structure graph query_url = "" query_url += ",rma::criteria,[graph_id$eq%d]" % graph_id query_url += ",rma::options[order$eq'structures.graph_order'][num_rows$eqall]" # Make http request and create a pandas dataframe http = urllib3.PoolManager() r = http.request('GET', query_url) data = json.loads('utf-8'))['msg'] structures = pd.read_json( json.dumps(data) ) structures.set_index( 'id', inplace=True ) # Open the annotation volume and count number of annotated voxels per structure value volume = sitk.ReadImage( '../../annotation.nii.gz' ) arr = sitk.GetArrayFromImage( volume ) # Compute conversion from number of voxel to mm^3 conversion_mm3 = conversion_cm3 = conversion_mm3 / 1000.0 # Find unique annotation values and count and compute subgraph aggregations unique_values, unique_counts = np.unique( arr, return_counts=True ) voxel_counts = dict(zip(unique_values,unique_counts)) structures['annotated'] = False structures['voxel_count'] = 0 structures['subgraph_annotated'] = False structures['subgraph_voxel_count'] = 0 for a in voxel_counts: if a == 0 : continue print( 'processing id = %d' % a )[a,'annotated'] = True[a,'voxel_count'] = voxel_counts[a] path = structures.loc[a,'structure_id_path'] for p in path.split('/') : if p.isnumeric() : pid = int(p)[pid,'subgraph_annotated'] = True current_total = structures.loc[pid,'subgraph_voxel_count'][pid,'subgraph_voxel_count'] = current_total + voxel_counts[a] # Apply conversion to get volume structures['volume_mm3'] = structures['subgraph_voxel_count'] * conversion_mm3 structures['volume_cm3'] = structures['subgraph_voxel_count'] * conversion_cm3 # set unannotated counts to null[structures['annotated']==False,'voxel_count'] = ""[structures['subgraph_annotated']==False,'subgraph_voxel_count'] = ""[structures['subgraph_annotated']==False,'volume_mm3'] = ""[structures['subgraph_annotated']==False,'volume_cm3'] = "" # write out dataframe to csv file structures.reset_index(inplace=True) filtered = structures[output_columns] filtered.set_index('id', inplace=True) filtered.to_csv('voxel_count.csv')